Navigating This ‘Adulting’ with You.

Hello! Hello!

So Picture this; 

It's 1:33 am, and you’re having brain fog from doomscrolling. You’re exhausted but can’t sleep. You’ve made some herbal tea or gotten a glass of water; you’ve got a long day ahead of you, but your thoughts start running haywire. You’re questioning your existence, worried about adulting, or you’ve got the sudden urge to start a new DIY project…or all of the above. But luckily for you, you’ve found my Substack!

Here’s what you should expect to see on Midnight Musings:

  • These are my thoughts on various relatable life topics, from existential contemplations to lazy day thoughts. 

  • Book/Film reviews and recommendations: Some might be podcasted or written, but the day's vibe shall tell.

  • Stories! Fiction has always been my first love, and I cannot wait to share some stories with you. From short stories to flash fiction, you, my dear, would be the first to get the tea, the gist and stories as e Dey hot!

It's pretty tricky navigating the world as a young adult, the subliminal fear of doing it ‘wrong’,  the loneliness from moving, and the general newness of life in your early twenties. I don’t have all the answers, but I’d like to figure them out with you.

So, I hit the subscribe button to get notified when I upload new content. You can also support me by upgrading to a paid subscription for £4 a month of  £30 a year.

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Navigating Adulting with You.


A young adult, figuring out what it means to be a young adult. I write about my existential contemplation and when I'm in the mood I write about queer joy, love and affection.